Saturday, March 22, 2025
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Label: Godz ov War Productions

Release date: February 28th, 2025

And now time for some little series has come. I mean, there’ll be at least three reviews of items released by Polish Godz ov War Productions. As the first in the queue waits, Toughness, formed in Pulawy year 2020. Anyway, before I’ll start to write a review of their second full-length, I’ll tell you what. This ensemble is one more evidence which convinces me our beloved genre of music will never ever die. I’m also not afraiding at all about quality when I listen to such creativities. I know I probably should write these sentences at the end of my scribble, but as you noticed a long time ago, I’m not a normal person and quite rarely follow rules – you know, how a review should be written, there should be some logic or even chronology in interviews and stuff like that.

Besides, since I haven’t yet written anything about the release (how many tracks it has, what sub-genre of our beloved music residents of Pulawy play and so on), then I hope at least some number of you will stay with me and  follow my chaos. By the way, as I wrote before, ”Black Respite of Oblivion” is the second album of Toughness. We had to wait for more than two and half years. And believe me or not, it was worth the wait! I’ll not comparise here their both albums and so on. The first reason is I don’t like to coparise at all and the second is I think it’s good to force you to check out ”The Prophetic Dawn”. Anyway, you can find on this album released February 28th by mentioned before label full-length nine quite long (the shortest one has four minutes and three seconds) songs. When it takes music itself, that’s definitely old school death metal we have to do here with. And this is one more evidence just mentioned term is a wide one. This is something totally different then bands I reviewed before. Our Polish metal brothers are influenced mostly, at least in my opinion, by creators of legendary ”Nespithe” or the same great ”Psychostasia”. Those of you who know creativity of mentioned before, of course undirectly – just like I always use to do and if someone don’t like it, has some problem with that, than can go fuck her/himself, Finnish Gods of death metal know very well what I’m talking about. To the other ones, who are in a huge minority, I guess, I only tell them they shouldn’t expect some Swedish school here. Geographically and even historically Sweden and Finland are very close to each other, but if we’re talking about death metal, it’s quite far away – Finnish school has more to do with Dutch or Austrian one. Personally I love such sounds with twisted and of course broken riffs, huge participation of bass,, a little ”strange” drumming. To make it shorter, that’s technique and even a little cacophonous creativity, which’s for sure not for everyone.

But since so called today times give you the possibility to check out music before you decide to spend your money on digital or even physical copy, then there’s no risk you’ll be disappointed when it arrives at your home.  Anyway, I see this possibility as a good thing, even if it can mean some of you left the review directly after reading what band and stuff it’s about. Hopefully it was only an exception, because otherwise my work would be at least a little meaningless. Oh… I wanna write one more thing as a summary of this review. Namely: I dedicate this, but of course not only this, stuff to people who’re talking around death metal is already dead and young ensembles have nothing interesting to offer!

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.