Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Label: Independent

Release date: September 12th, 2024

Let’s stay in the same area of my motherland, (I mean, Silesia) for a while. But instead of Deadly Vision we have to do with a very young ensemble now. Tortured Corpse was found two years ago, and guys immediately got to work extremely hard. February 27th last year they debuted with the independently released digital EP “Rites of Putridity and Death”. And even if “Cavernous…” is their first full-length, in the meantime they managed to release two more EPs, demo, live album and compilation. So, as you can see for yourself, creating new songs doesn’t take too much time for them. Of course, someone can say here that tracks generally are as simple as construction of flail and that’s true. But at the same time, at least in my opinion, it’s still an impressive tempo of creating them, isn’t it?

Well, most of the Polish, and I somehow have the impression that it’s even more visible in Silesia, metalheads are old-school die-hard ones. That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised that most of our bands play pure metal in all possible, but of course still traditional, forms, don’t give a shit about some experiments or other novelties and even eclecticism, especially in modern meaning of the word! Tortured Corpse, as you already deduced from the name (if you saw the email address, you know very well what’s about – and maybe even will finish reading it), plays brutally and to the point! There’s no space in this creativity for fucking around, complicated tracks’ structure, unnecessary and developed guitar displays and stuff like that. As I wrote before, music is as simple as the construction of flail, which results in quite short and very intensive songs. The whole album contains seven compositions which take a little more, three seconds, than twenty-eight minutes. I actually think the best and the most accurate description of what we’re able to listen to on ”Cavernous Lobotomy” are words which stay in contact e-mail – I mean these three ones before at (@). And if I was a lazy ass, I’d end this review right here. But since I like to torture people with my scribble and I have very cool excuses to listen to this creativity, then will not show you mercy and continue it. Agressor’s way of getting, perhaps even excreting, sounds out of himself makes you’re even more in pieces after every eruption of his vocal disgust. I mean, all instruments also spread music apocalypse, wreak havoc on the minds of listeners, but together with this a little bit Grind growling creates pure tornado that sweeps everything on its path. But everything I just wrote absolutely doesn’t matter if music is very fast the whole time or even that’s some senseless wall of sounds. Well, to be honest middle tempos dominate here as well. From time to time, they become middle-fast ones, but at the same time guys don’t beat some speed records and you can easily recognize what they think during the process of creating their music. It seems like both every entire instrument and music in general. And that’s what brutality should look like in music in my opinion. Most of the tracks have short intros here – and in every case it’s a different one. I mean, their characteristics are different.

Sound where on foreground you hear sophisticated, full of several touches and with huge participation of cymbals drumming and vocal causes me to have clear associations with for example Bloomington’s death metal legend which is unfortunately dead since, in practice, thirty-one years (by the way, on EP guys released January 1st they covered “Boneyard”, so it seems my association isn’t so stupid as well), but also somehow with “Oath of Black Blood” creators or even Metal Gods, unfortunately already dead, from Belo Horizonte – even if musically it can seem for quite far association, I guess. I also could name here one more legendary Finnish band coming from Oulu, but… To hell with my connotations! The only important thing here is to “force” you to get your copy of this released September 12th by Rotten Crematory piece of Armageddon as soon as possible! You can make a choice between, what’s a new secular tradition, digital one, and more traditional formats: CD or even digipack (this last is limited to only fifty copies, so hurry up). And believe me, this is worth your cash. Of course, if my words mean nothing for you or you just always feel imperative to check out music yourself before you decide to spend eleven (digital), twelve (CD) or twenty (digipack) euros on it, you have possibility to listen to it online – I’d recommend Bandcamp, because there you can with few clicks buy your coy.


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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.