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Label: WormHoleDeath

Date: December 11th, 2020

First of all, congratulations to the underdogs! Not only does this quartet arrive from Serbia, but actually from the town as far away from the leading musical focal points as possible. With all the odds going against them, here they come with the first full album (following a couple of EP’s). Not to mention this thing was glazed at the famous Fredman studio, supported by the even more famous Wacken foundation. And last, but definitely not least, released on well-respected WormHoleDeath.

Hard work, dedication, devotion… And yes, you can!

Their musical direction, on the other hand, is one I’m not usually inclined to praise. Simple explanations aside, I will try to break it in pieces to better explain it.

The basis of Mud Factory’s sound is overwhelmingly heavy groove. Stemming from the modern deathcore roots, this quartet delivers one knockout blow after the other. Basically, non-stop. The album, though just over half an hour long, presents more than enough brutal punches. Subtle melodic lines run through the entire record, making for the atmospheric side. Together with ever-so-slight sludge input.

Now, this is hardly the most inventive sound you can find. Many have already gone where Mud Factory ventures. However, I must note that the band really does offer some interesting ideas which push the story a bit further. In that regard, I will direct your attention to the opener, “As I Watch Them Fall”. You can check out the video for the track, too. These gang shouts may come from the hardcore legacy that is not without its influence within Mud Factory’s soundscape, yet they do put a certain stamp on the track. Unfortunately, the band has not put them to a more significant use. Still, it is a sign that there is more to this band than you could expect from simple stylistic filing.

A couple more things need to be mentioned. Lyrics for one. Though revolving around the expected topics, they are still clever and steer away from cliché phraseology. Other thing is the masterfully crafted artwork.

But those just go to show my statement from the top of this review. These guys put a whole lot of effort into this album, leaving nothing to chance.

While the record itself is not something I will spin forever, I’m almost convinced it is just a matter of tastes. I was never much of a fan of this type of music. Still, I can appreciate and support the pure enthusiasm of which “The Sins of Our Fathers” reeks. If you are even slightly partial to the genre, I’m sure you will love this material.

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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!