Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Label: Blood Fire Death

Date: March 26th, 2019

Don’t be confused by the date above. It seems like the Spaniards have just recently inked a deal with Blood Fire Death to promote their debut album further. And it seems to have worked out quite well as the World Wide Web is filling up on the articles about Metator. Rightfully so, if you ask me, as the record deserves some attention. However flawed it might be.

For a band that’s been “destroying wimps and posers since 2004” Metator have really done little to harm them. A couple of demos and this full length album. I haven’t heard the demos, but “Akocedakor” has an unnerving quality that should shock and appall those wimps and posers.

The problem is that most of it comes from the production work. It’s as if the producer himself didn’t find a proper way to untangle the web Metator wove in the creation process. The album is neatly audible all the way, except for the parts where the lead guitar fails to take its prominent position in the overall audio carnage. It’s really a shame as these leads could’ve taken “Akocedakor” to a whole new level.

Furthermore, I would say that the leads are shifting in influence between death and black metal, sounding quite interesting all the way. If you pay close attention, of course, since they are not properly accentuated as one would hope and expect.

By the way, if I’m already stuck at the lead guitars, they offer that monumental Belphegor feel that so many people adore. Me being one of them. Other than the Austrian legend, Metator is influenced by a vast array of brutal death and grind bands. Formed in that way, “Akocedakor” is a treat for those who live and breathe death metal.

But please keep in mind this is not one of those extremely technical records swarming with various meaningless fragments whose only goal seems to be boring the listener and easing his way to forgetting all about what he/she just heard. The Spaniards neatly formulated their tracks in the best tradition of Deicide, Suffocation, Napalm Death (later era), Immolation… At their more atmospheric moments Metator might even bring out connotations with Necros Christos.

But I need to round up this review with another fault. At least to my ears. The vocals.

These extreme gutturals fall out of place here. First of all, it is my opinion that a band proclaiming a philosophical stance behind their lyrics needs these lyrics to be heard to be understood. Even if they are written in both Spanish and English. Apart of that, the music promises a much deeper sophistication than the voice corroborates.

Too bad, but that’s the way they wanted to go.

In any case, I’m hoping for a re-mastered or re-recorded version of the record sometime in the future. Can’t say I’m not satisfied with “Akocedakor” but I can see it in much better light having a much deeper impact.

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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!