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Label: Self released

Date: June 11th, 2021

Who said only cold northern lands can make good symphonic metal? Maybe it’s not Nightwish, Unexpected or Epica but from Bulgaria come Metalwings. Gothic symphonic metal with soprano vocal of beautiful Stela Atanasova. For all fans who love calm fantasy metal music, here is a perfect album for you. When I listened this album for the first time I had an impression that the whole orchestra was playing and a lot of other vocals are included but no, it’s only one band with a lady on the throne.

Impressive fact about all symphonic metal bands is that even non-metalheads can listen to it, a lot of bands and songs remind me of good soundtracks for Victorian era movies. For example, the opening song “A whole new world” has one strong intro and entire song has its waves of drum and keyboard blasting but nothing aggressive and too much. Just on place for the movie.

When I listened to songs through the whole album it seemed like every song is connected melodically or by lyrics. Although, lyrics are not anything special to talk about but they are from the bottom of the heart and I feel them.

As a great fan of folk metal and folklore of Balkan one song that amazed me was “Milo moe libe”. Really beautiful cover of traditional Bulgarian song with symphonic background. The song is so light, sensitive and sort of feminine. Amazing contrast in the middle of album.

Right next to it we have one explosion of energy in “Monster in the Mirror”, with a solo that blew my mind. Short but great and progressive. I can say it’s the best song that marked the album from my point of view.

I have just one warning for emotional sisters and brothers. Don’t listen to “Second Chance Song” if you cry at songs. It’s emotional on many levels and with Madame Stela’s voice it gets its dimension.

“Wonders of Life” is not a good option for outro song with a lot of dramatic keyboard breaks and orchestral parts. I think it would fit better as an opening song… Just because of the energy and simplicity of the song.

By writing this review I went back to my teenage years, when I was the biggest fan of everything as luxurious and rich as symphonic metal is. I am not saying it’s only for girls but a lot of feminine energy is held in that genre, especially if the lead singer is a lady.

As I mentioned, the entire album is colored by good calm emotion that reaches your heart, believe it or not. Not so special or not so original but music written with love and the touch of fantasy is always a good option. I am not sure if I caught the connection between the cover photo and lyrics but I can say that a whole new world is actually our world full of ecological catastrophes, cut down trees and sad animals without their homes like on the cover picture. That’s a bad picture of us, as people, but the little girl is a hope, as every child, that pure soul is the key to save our world from evil.

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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, currently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music has lasted over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of foreign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most of my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘