Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Label: Independent

Release date: June 21st, 2024

Time to visit one more country, it seems my life mission, where there’s quite a huge metal scene with many interesting bands, but at the same time totally unknown outside their region. Well, and here I need to explain two things right away. The first one is that the country I’m speaking about at the moment isn’t too huge (there live much less than one and a half million people), so it’s as clear as the sun. The scene over there is relatively huge one. Besides, the expression “outside the region” is probably a little bit excessive. You know, Estonia, the same as Latvia and Lithuania, lies very close to Poland and even in the underground we have always had enough, to put it mildly, limited knowledge of what is going on over there. By the way, the best part of bands, not only Metal ones, I think, comes from Estonia’s capital city – Tallinn. Well, that’s nothing strange considering the fact that more or less one third of the whole country’s population.

One of them was created two years ago as Humanity. And in this case not only is the ensemble itself a very young one, but also musicians as well. They all were born in the present century – the oldest one is a vocalist Martin who’s nineteen now. “Out of Structure” is of course their debut full-length and the second stuff (I somehow don’t count to discography, and probably will never do it, singles containing only one song) ever. Anyways, the album contains all four tracks which were released last year as a demo and four newer ones. They take thirty-eight minutes and forty-seven seconds. So, as you can see music is concrete, on the point and without any unnecessary fucking around. The truth is guys play mostly at medium tempos, but at the same time there’s no space for some experiments, sweet melodies and stuff. The main, also probably the only, goal here is spreading music brutality. It doesn’t mean of course they create something shallow! That’s even contrary, especially when we think musicians began their adventures with instruments not too long ago. I’m actually surprised, in a positive way, that this creativity is so thoughtful and technically advanced. That’s of course not because of the band’s place of origin or something like that! It applies only, as I have said before, age and, consequently, experience of musicians! During the listening to “Out of Structure” you’ll be able to hear several guitar tricks, some interesting drum passages and everything that classic old-school death metal should include. And I think I should develop this too much. I mean, everyone who listens to Metal a little longer than a few days knows very well what I’m talking about, what are the components mentioned before the genre of our beloved music. Anyways, our Estonian metal brothers are the most influenced by Swedish, but also Scandinavian in general school of such creativity.  I can even hear, let’s call it (even if I hate this word and try to avoid it like the devil of holy water) typical American touches. Well, there’re also some touches, for example in title track, of totally different then Metal and technical demanding musical genres. It especially takes the bass line, by the way.

“Out of Structure” isn’t maybe some masterpiece, but at the same time that’s a very solid album that exudes young enthusiasm. And this mix of already standing at a fairly high level technical skills and enthusiasm makes you want to listen to it over and over again – at least it’s like that in my case. That’s why, on the one hand, I regret that this review inevitably comes to its end. But on the other hand, I don’t think it’s reasonable to drag it indefinitely. So, I have only one more thing to say – contact guys as soon as possible to get your copy. Haste is advisable if you intend to buy a cassette, because the number of such format is limited. Anyways, the price of both digital albums and cassette is exactly the same, ten euros, so if you love physical copies, choice is as easy as pie!

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.