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Label: Reigning Phoenix Music

Date: December 13th, 2024

As much as Japan is renowned throughout the world for the technological innovation, progress and prosperity, there was never a question about traditional values and their upkeep for centuries. And if you happen to be an infatuated rocker, you are certainly well aware of what type of tradition I’m about to call to your attention. “Made in Japan”, “Unleashed in the East”, “Maiden Japan”, “Live in Japan” (way too many artists with this title), “Live at Budokan” (same as the one before), “Live in Tokyo” (you get the picture, right?)… The crowds out there have always been absolutely marvellous! Proven once again with the audial imaging of the Helloween show on September 16th, 2023. The same enthusiasm might be lacking in physical form (as witnessed on the visual side of the album), but there were some serious throats ripped in the crowd that night.

As for Helloween’s performance… Were there ever any doubts? The band is likely tighter than they’ve ever been, from drums to vocals. The energy between them on stage is spectacular. They’re having fun, powering through their greatest hits, along with presenting the current, self-titled album. There’s no real wonder they opted to “ignore” the vast middle section of their career. With just two exceptions (if I counted correctly), Helloween was staying away from the troublesome years and keeping to the creative duo’s finest hour. Well, two hours, as the stopwatch counts. With that in mind, there’s really nothing anybody has to object to “Live at Budokan”. This is the “power metal 1:01”. Masterpieces performed by masters themselves. If there’s one thing to specially note, it’s the incredibly resilient vocals by both Mr. Deris and Mr. Kiske. Not to mention Mr. Hansen, since the words to portray such a metal icon are hard to come by.

Now, the exact necessity to publish yet another live album, just five years after the previous one, eludes me. There are two possible answers to this particular issue. First, they wanted to immortalize their very first performance at the legendary Nippon Budokan in Tokyo. A venue of such prowess, it would’ve been almost a crime not to record there once you have the opportunity. Second possible solution is that Helloween needed an opener into their collaboration with Reigning Phoenix Music and waiting for inspiration to strike in the form of a new studio record needed to be cut with a live album. Or perhaps, both of those reasons were equally “to blame” for this record being in our hands and ears.

Whatever the case may be, I will not complain about another reminder of why is Helloween one of the best German bands to ever set foot on a stage or in a studio. A reminder of their genius and their influence on a myriad of different bands that have adorned heavy metal as a genre. For that alone, we bow to you perfect gentlemen!

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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!