Label: Godz ov War Productions
Release date: February 28th, 2025
As I promised in my last scribble, here comes one more Polish young band released by Godz of War Productions. And there’s actually a little more similarities between Frightful and Toughness. ”What Lies Ahead” is the second full-length, it had its premiere the same day as ”Black…”, February 28th. Besides, also in the case of ”What Lies Ahead” was forced to wait something like two and a half years. But don’t worry! There are also things which are different. First one is the year of ensemble’s – 2016, second is place of origin – Gdansk. And third, and in my opinion the most important thing I need to mention here is music.
It has quite a lot to do with death metal as well, but at the same time there’s a lot of thrash in this work. Actually, I think thrash even dominates here and that’s why the section ”similar artits” on some portals is bullshit, at least in the most. But maybe this is me who’s strange and this is what makes me can’t hear similarities to mentioned bands. Anyway, ”What Lies Ahead” contains eight not too long and not too short songs talking almost (without seven seconds) forty minutes. But I somehow, the same as in the case of ”Black…” and many other albums, absolutely can’t feel it’s as long. I mean, tracks, even those which take more than five minutes, aren’t boring and so on. So, when I saw how long this full-length is, I was like ”What the hell?”. It happens, when it takes the pure technical side, a lot in this music and you notice with no problem guys aren’t some green horns who don’t know what to do with their instruments, but they first of all care about what such a creature is about – aggression and uncompromising destruction. Riffs in the most are of course aggressive and sharp as razors. Pawel and Eryk torture your ears, drill into your mind whole the time, even in these more calm moments. Well, honestly Krzysztof (drums) and Oskar (bass, vocal) show you no mercy, too. Both drumming and vocals are pure thrash metal ones, of course. Well, when it takes drumming you could say ”hey, but there’s also some elements of death metal”, but in my opinion it was a bit of exaggeration and a search for a hole in the whole. By the way, the creativity of Gdansk’s residents is, in my opinion, more about the German school of old school thrash metal. I don’t think to mention any names, because, besides my, let’s call it, phobia, everyone knows what ensembles I mean. I know there’s quite a huge difference between for example ”Extreme Aggression” and ”Upcoming Terror”, but… Instead you’ll check out just the reviewed album by yourselves. And since this is also available digitally (if you wish, you can order a CD, 12” or cassette), then it’s as easy as pie to do it.
To sum my scribble up, I say this is one more thing that makes me feel like I was in my teenage years once again. And I somehow can’t imagine there’s someone who’ll avoid headbanging while listening to ”What Lies Ahead”. Well, I had to force myself to do that, but believe me: it wasn’t easy! In the end I could, and should, once again write, or even copy and paste, the same sentence I wrote on the end of my scribble about ”Black…”. But I think, and even am sure, it was fucking boring to read the same thing almost every entire time I review stuff of the band born after 2015 (I have such good luck I very rarely have to review bad stuffs), doesn’t it?