Friday, March 14, 2025
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Label: Independent / Mioritic Metal Records

Release date: December 10th, 2024

Recently you had a chance to read about this fenomenal band from Romania in Abaddon Magazine. Next to the review about their previous album “Alveloar” we had a pleasure to talk with the entire band and made one really good interview about their beginnings and the future. This time as a big fan I must write a word or two about “Nomad”… There is a very small number of bands I write about on my own initiative and E-an-na takes the first place among them. Why? I already wrote but the creativity and originality this band has is a blasing in the 21st century full of generic melodies.

If you look at this album in one piece, you get a very sincretic album full of oriental elements combined with balkan traditional melodies as E-an-na’s remark and metal just in the background. It keeps attention from the first song to the last because every song has its own soul and literally its own personality. Inspiration for the entire album obviously was some oriental trip, culture and music, world as a home for nomad and all differences the world offers. On my question what can we expect to hear in “Nomad”, E-an-na’s Ban Ovidiu answered:

“… When I brought this concept to my band mates, I told them that this is exactly how I see the band. A nomad that is free to write whatever kind of music, free to visit the entire world without having any kind of chain attached to him. And then I thought that this journey should be the main theme of the album so I kept thinking about what you feel during a journey, what makes you leave your home, but also how a journey to search within yourself would be like…“

Read the whole interview:

So, yes, this is what it is all about. We are all nomads from this world to another also and a nomad can’t be every person. Nomad possesses a soul opened to the world, a hand opened to give and a personality full of love and empathy. His journey is actually spiritual and he receives everything God made as a blessing. I was wondering why there are so many oriental melodies in one album but those eastern   countries are actually something very far away and very mystic to us from this part of the world. Also one special way of thinking , with many nomad tribes. In songs like “Miraj”, “Nomad”, “Ishtar” oriental melodies are the strongest. “Miraj” as my favorite from the album has the most special ’arabian night’ vibe. I am totally inspired to go to the desert now just to play this song again. Who knows, maybe I will.  I was surprised by a song “Scrum” when it came out as a single and by those modern rep vibes I didn’t like it at all but moment by moment this song definitely hits the attic with how different music styles it has in less than three minutes. Wow! To confirm they didn’t forget  their origins even in their  nomad soul, în song “Casa Cerului” they got us back in Romania immediately on the magic carpet like in ’Aladin’ cartoon. Also “Nomad” with that Balkanic rhythms in the beginning will definitely make you break some glasses in the local pub.

Okay, the accent is on the ethno melodies but this time the metal genre they ’picked’ in the “Nomad” album  is mostly hardcore and it fits so well! Full of adrenaline and strength it makes a very powerful atmosphere. “Nesfârșit”, “Scrum” and even “Nomad” are more metal than those bands  who present their work  as pure metal. Free as two birds on cover photo, beautiful as all those drawings which represent  each song and bright as star behind two birds, “Nomad” is definitely the best album in the entire opus of E-an-na. Maybe it’s a bit different from how we used to in their work but they didn’t forget who they are and where they are going. Cheers to “Nomad”, E-an-na and Romania! 

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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, currently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music has lasted over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of foreign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most of my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘