Monday, March 3, 2025
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Label: Nuclear Blast Records

Date: May 8th, 2020

Seriously!? At this point!? When all the concerts for the foreseeable future are cancelled or at least postponed? Then again, it is somehow still nice to hear a concert, even if just from the safety of our homes. I guess the Teutonic titans had just that in mind.

Speaking of the album itself, I do have a couple of remarks. Even if the show was conducted in Germany, at the famed Party San Festival, if you’re going to record it, speak English. Dear Schmier, we’re not all proficient in German. Also, the audience is way too quiet. I’m pretty sure it was much louder live, so where did it go on the recording? This way the sound is much cleaner than it needs to be. Thrash wasn’t meant to be clean, and neither should the live album.

Another thing I must mention is that the release seems a bit rushed. At least it’s my impression. A live recording of a band with such a career as Destruction needs a whole lot more. It could have been compiled of a couple of performances and included at least as many songs more as it does. Perhaps that was the initial idea, but the times have changed in the meantime. I guess that was the reason. This way, we have pretty much a shortened ‘best of’. Plus two songs off the latest album, “Born to Perish”. Basically, you can name your favorite Destruction tracks, from their inception to the triumphant “The Antichrist”, and you can easily guess the track list.

Now, it is fairly predictable that a band of Destruction’s reputation would not allow itself a mediocre performance. And they didn’t. The album is impeccable. Played without a fault and produced to the fullest. The one slight problem is that the vocals sound a bit flat. I remember Schmier’s snarling, raspy vocals in a much more intense manner. Still, the fact that the man still has that bone chilling shriek in “Curse the Gods” proves he is far from retirement.

“Born to Thrash” provides a perfect opportunity to shake the rust off your necks. They are in dire need for it after a couple of months long abstinence. Let us all hope it will not be long before we put them back to action. And what better way to do so than witness Destruction on stage, as soon as possible.

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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!