Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Label: Symbol of Domination Prod.

Release date: April 29th, 2024

Let’s move to the south-east part of Europe, where we visit some countries to get to know a couple of bands (one of them is, as I know, a real legend of the local scene, by the way). And I intentionally used this “get to know”, because this region of the continent is in the most, maybe with one or two exceptions and even they don’t seem for some iconic bands, real terra incognita. And if I need to be honest here, that’s like that even in my motherland – Poland. Well, I know I wasn’t there for a long time, but I don’t suppose the situation changed a lot in this case. Bulgaria, and even the home-city of Darkflight, is visited as a destination of vacations, Poles know the name of Varna because of some quite important episode in our history, but that’s it, I am afraid. Well, I’m not going to pretend it’s far different in my case. I had a luck to get to know some Bulgarian ensemble a long time ago and I really like their debut and at the same time the only album, but otherwise my knowledge about the scene in this located on Black Sea country is, and let’s say it loudly, zero! 

Ok, but let’s leave these divagations and focus on Darkflight finally. Ensemble has existed for almost a quarter of a century (it was born 2000), but for such a long time their discography doesn’t present itself very impressive. “Entropy” is the fifth full-length and contains nine tracks. They’re not too long, but at the same time not too short. Whole album takes almost forty-seven (without seven seconds) minutes and was released April 29th by Moldavian Symbol of Domination Prod. which’s sub-label of Georgian Satanath Records – both as a CD and digitally.

And what do our Bulgarian friends play? Well, this is nothing for people who think metal is only about blasts, vomiting, growling and so on and don’t tolerate anything else. You’ll not find anything like that, so if you’re one of such maniacs – end to read this review right here and don’t waste your time and energy anymore! But if you don’t think this way and like, at least from time to time (even if I know there are metalheads who appreciate such creativity the most), give a rest to your thoughts, need more atmospheric creativity to calm down and so on, then you’re even more than welcome to stay with my scribble a little longer.

As I know myself, it’ll take more than a little time before I’m done with reviewing “Entropy”. So…  You probably deduced what sub-genre of our beloved music we have to do here with. And it, in turn, means nothing big would have happened if I hadn’t said a word about the tempo or even vocalizations, because this is as clear a day as it is in doom metal. There are no death influences here, which means Milan’s clean singing, in which you can feel some touch of sadness. In two songs we’re also able to listen to female vocals. And since, as I know, this is the second time Jessica cooperates with a metal ensemble, it sounds very fresh – especially her debut took place five years ago. I hope you know what I mean here, and I won’t be forced, even if I actually have no idea how you could do it at the moment, to explain this. Anyways, we have here a lot of melody in its primary meaning created by guitar and vocal in the first place (keyboards’ participation is here rather symbolic – what I like). I even noticed some delicate touches of power metal. Maybe this is quite hard to recognize, but for experienced ears it’s possible to do. However, just like it should be mentioned before, music isn’t too developed, you shouldn’t expect some guitar tricks, complicated drum passages and stuff. Guys of course know very well what their instruments are and how to use them!

To sum up my probably even perverted outpourings, I’ll only say that this is a solid album and it’d be very good for you, especially if you’re fan of such calm creativity, to have it on your computer or CD regiment. This is maybe any masterpiece in this meaning we heard similar records several times, but it changed anything. We all know what the only right option is for me, but you’ll, of course, do exactly what you want since you have a choice between both possibilities.

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.