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Label: Night Terrors Records

Date: September 5th, 2024

Marburg isn’t a huge city, actually we can say it’s quite small because there live something like seventy eight thousand people only. But at the same time, it seems it has quite a huge and good metal scene. Well, the fact is the number of musicians presenting themselves at a high level is quite limited. That’s why several bands share the same members. Situation like that is also about Barbaric Oath, where the bassist and vocalist as well as guitarist are the same like in case of Putridarium. Unfortunately, I can tell you almost nothing about the ensemble itself. The only thing I know is that “Attack Attack Attack” is their debut demo released not too long ago, September 5th. Format is of course old school and the one I love the most when it takes demos (probably I was growing up with that and even CD-R looked for me a little like unnecessary modernity when a lot of bands started to use this format in beginning of present century to release their stuffs) – cassette.

Why is it as clear as a sun for me this stuff is released just this way? Well, both music and guys themselves, even if their age can suggest something else, are old school. You could notice this fact when you were reading my last review and the way some of them recorded “Necrologia…”. Anyways, we have to do here with quite short stuff containing only three songs and taking a little bit less, three seconds, then twelve minutes. Yeah, this is short, but at the same time intensive and guys take no prisoners! Creativity of Barbaric Oath is totally different from Putridorium’s one. I mean, this is of course still metal in its best form. These three tracks emanate an old good musical Armageddon.  It’s not about the tempo maybe, this is mostly the middle one, but the common atmosphere. I can guarantee you’ll be destroyed in pieces after listening to this demo. Music itself is pure black/death metal with no place for compromises. Guys don’t care about some displays, melodies and such shits. The most important thing here is what I call, and always did it, real metal spirit you can feel on every riff, every hit on the snare drum, cymbals, every vocalization. You know, Metal, especially this kind of Metal, must be dirty, blasphemous, barbaric and even repugnant for so-called normal people and even make them stay away from it, they don’t want to have anything to do with this shit. That’s what decided our beloved kind of music was, is and always will be the elite one, the one inaccessible for fops. Generally, there’s absolutely nothing complicated in this creativity. Well, it’s even the contrary and I even should call this music quite primitive. Of course, it doesn’t mean Germans created something boring. It happens a lot in music, which makes I’m somehow sure as hell you’ll want to more and more! I’m also sure musicians of Barbaric Oath will be very happy when they’ll read those phrases – I mean the ones about the barbaric and primitive character of their work. Anyways, this primitivism here has only good, in our twisted metal world, connotations, of course! Especially that music perfectly refers to the name of the band.

By the way, I hear in Barbaric Oath’s music some touches of black/speed metal. I know you all know what band coming from Gelsenkirchen I mean now, so I don’t mind continuing this thread anymore. The only thing I mind now is to recommend Barbaric Oath and convince you to spend your few euros on it. I know, stuff, just like it’s always in case of demos, isn’t too long, but isn’t the truth quality is more important than quantity?  That’s exactly what I always thought and if I were you, I wouldn’t think about the thing any longer and send my money to the label – Night Terrors Records. “Attack Attack Attack” is quite a fresh release, premiere took place September 5th, so even if the number of tapes is limited to one hundred, there’s still a hope you can make the choice between this format and the digital one.  Of course it’s a good idea, due to the reason I mentioned a moment ago, to contact them first to make sure if tapes are still available, if you’re like me and want just this format. In my opinion this is a must-to-have-demo for all maniacs of the genre! Anyways, I just love this stuff and can’t stop listening to it. I am sure your thoughts and feelings will be the same after listening to “Attack Attack Attack”, their full-length will come out soon.

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.