Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Label: Maxima Music Pro

Date: April 15th, 2022

Once I pro-missed to take you as often as I can on the music trip on continent called Asia. And since I always keep my word here it is one more chapter of what I promised. This is needed as hell in my opinion. Especially I somehow have a feeling ensembles coming from there are ignored outside the continent, by the most of people. Of course reasons can be different, but this is still very strange for me in internet era and possibility of checking out bands from all around the world by few clicks! Probably the only exception that proves the rule is Japan. But even on here this is about real maniacs who’re deep in the scene. I also suppose it’s mostly about as old ones as me for whom such bands like Sabbath, Abigail, Sigh or Transgressor (to name only few ones) are legends. By the way, I recognized the same situation is with two more continents.

Actually the same situation is with two more continents, even if in case of Africa scene isn’t as huge as in Asia or Australia. Anyways, Azaab comes from the capital city of Pakistan – Islamabad. They roots are back in 2016, even if all musicians are more experienced then you can think, I mean, all of them played in several bands before they joined Azaab. Unfortunately I have no idea who was the one/the ones who took initiative to create this band, if there were some changes in line-up and so on. The only what I’m sure about is the fact they released two digital singles before debut full-length and it can suggest very stormy life of this creature. “Summoning…” contains nine tracks of pure old school Death Metal with very high quality! This is in American style definitely. And I mean much more bands coming from Eastern Coast, but not too much from the best well-known because of Death Metal bands state. You know what state and in the same time peninsula I mean? I think so and that’s why I’ll don’t write its name. Music of our Pakistani brothers is brutal and full of technique in way of for example the genre’s legend coming from Long Island or another one from South Carolina. Of course this list would be almost endless, but I guess it’d be something at least bored as hell to name them instead of describing Azaab’s creativity (even if this first option would make my job much easier). So we have on here really many guitar, and not only, tricks. They all serve to brutality of course and are played in quite characteristic way – you’ll hear this if you’re pure connoisseur. As I wrote before, you can recognize very high quality both in point of performance and first of all of musicians’ creativity. And to be honest this isn’t any huge surprise for me, because it’s not my very first, or even third, contact with band coming just from Pakistan. Well, you can always say I had just had incredible good luck all Pakistani ensembles I heard presented very interesting music of several sub-genres of our beloved music, bit it changes anything in my opinion.

“Summoning the Cataclysm” is quite old stuff, because not too long time ago I saw there was the first anniversary of releasing this by Satanath Records. But I think there are some copies still available as well. And after what I wrote you can deduce what format it is. Yes! My favourite one! So contact the band or the label. And the best will be if you’ll do it directly after reading last word of this review. Well, actually I don’t give a shit if you’ll leave this even a little earlier (will don’t care about few last lines of my scribble) and check out what is their mail address or go on label’s website to contact them instead of the band – it doesn’t matter where you write. The most important is to grab this CD straight away! Honestly I’d do it just like that and contact the band.

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.