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Label: Non Serviam Records

Date: June 7th, 2024

Bordeaux lays in south-west France, quite near border line with Spain. The city itself has of course a very long and interested history on back (just like really a lot of cities located more or less in Mediterranean basin). But since Abaddon Magazine is dedicated to the music, then I write nothing about this over here. You can find information without problems online as well. Anyways, in the metropolitan area of Bordeaux lives more than one million people. That’s why in the area there’s quite huge Metal scene. The very sad in my opinion fact is it’s unknown for maniacs who aren’t into the underground, but that’s a problem of whole France as I noticed. Situations like that took actually always place and the reasons of that are totally mysterious for me. As for me some of French ensembles are real legends and in next review, I plan to present one of them to you.

Anyways, the first since a quite long step to repair this shit is presenting you with an ensemble found in 2008. From the original line-up still in the band is only guitarist Olivier. “Unbreathable” is third full length in their career. Well, due to the fact changes in line-up didn’t occur too often, it can be a little strange. But the most important thing is here quality of the creativity, doesn’t it? And it’s a good one! That’s maybe not something edge-breaking or so, but does it matter? I think it’s not! I prefer bands playing like that than these who try to be original for every price (what the most often finishes with some music catastrophe). And what our French friends play? I tell you what. It’s not too easy to guess it only after the name. Why? Well, the reason is name suggest we have to do with black metal or at least something what’s near to this here, but in fact that’s anything connected, even in minimal grade, with this sub-genre of our beloved music, guys present us ten songs of pure old-school death metal instead.

I find in this creativity first of all influences of American, to be precise Tampa, influences. All of us know what bands I mean here, so listing even the titles of several albums is completely unnecessary thing. So, now you know what music is played by residents of Bordeaux. And if I’ll add there’re also quite strong touches of old-school Swedish school of playing such music, then you’ll know very well what to expect. Creativity is in the most moderate mode of middle or middle-fast tempo. There of course a lot happens in music and you’re able to listen to several guitar tricks, passages and so on. Riffs are like they should be in death metal. I somehow don’t think I need what it means and even more to describe them in detail – especially such analyze would sound interesting only for people, and I think not all of them, who play guitar. The same is about drumming, bass or even vocals. All you need to know is it’s both technical and brutal as hell! Besides, I somehow guess the most important thing in music, except feeling of liberation, is its common character and not analyzing every entire note by using technical terms and stuff like that.

To sum up, “Unbreathable” is good, solid album and every fan of death metal should check it out. I guarantee most of you after listening to it on one of portals dedicated to spread music will decide to spend some euros to buy this released June 7th record in format you prefer. Non Serviam Records gives you, like, as I noticed, the most of labels nowadays does, the choice between digital album, CD and even 12” vinyl, so just contact the ensemble or go to the label to get it as soon as possible. Well, especially if you’re interested in vinyl which’s minimal price is a little more than twenty €, you must hurry up, because number of such format is limited.


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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.