Review: Evergrey – Escape of the Phoenix
Though highly regarded for over a quarter of a century, it seems like Evergrey never quite gathered the following some of their colleagues have.
Review: Yoth Iria – As the Flame Withers
There is no way to finish reviewing Yoth Iria but to invite you to order the album from the stock of respectable Pagan Records, if you haven’t alrea
Review: Moonspell – Hermitage
Fact is that Moonspell once again went its own way, almost entirely disregarding expectations.
Review: Alice Cooper – Detroit Stories
It is highly unlikely “Detroit Stories” is the best Alice Cooper ever released, but it surely made for a bunch of quite entertaining spins. Very e
Review: Kreator – Under the Guillotine
If you’re aching for Kreator, go for the last year’s split 7” with Lamb Of God or the live recording of a proper best of, “London Apocalyptico
Review: Bonfire – Roots
As many bands in pandemic times are faced with a near bankruptcy situation, unfortunately, Bonfire had to ask for a little help to record this album.