Review: Afterpain – The Endless Cycle
Now, when it comes to new names, Afterpain is surely one to remember. While “The Endless Cycle” is a nice way to start off your career, it is stil
Review: Vhäldemar – Straight to Hell
What happened is that hotel Vhäldemar had a couple of exquisite guests all arrive at the same time. Namely Joey DeMaio and Kai Hansen. Inevitably, wh
Review: Diamond Chazer – Chasing Diamonds
If they were born at least 30 years earlier, they would stand face to face with Iron Maiden and rule the world’s stages! Remember their name: Diamon
Review: Revolting – The Shadow at the World’s End
The one thing that is actually going for Revolting’s new album is the length of just over half an hour. The compact size allows us to keep alert for
Review: Korpsesoturi – Korpskrist
Hearing how “Korspkrist” unfolds within just 37 minutes makes you think about just how underrated Finnish death metal actually is. Korspesoturi’
Review: Nuclear Warfare – Lobotomy
With all jokes put aside, this album has been heard countless times. Everything here has been stripped off the classic records and pasted in a nicely