Review: Auðn – Vökudraumsins fangi
I’m sure that the new Auðn album will be swallowed up by every fan of Icelandic black metal.
Review: Grievance – Nos Olhos da Coruja
I can honestly say that the new Grievance is a great example of how to manage an interesting black metal record on a fairly raw playing field.
Review: Ion Of Chios – _reHUManize_
The band already shows its brilliant musical talent in the opener "Killjoy" that has changes in rhythm and style but is able to sound consistent.
Review: Overcharge – Metal Punx
Overcharge’s advantage is that there are not many bands like this on the scene. If you are sick and tired of an epic albums, harmonies and long solo
Review: Skeleton Pit – Lust to Lynch
Fact is that Skeleton Pit draws a whole lot from their more famous countrymen. There’s some of their own input, but it mostly comes down to Destruct
Review: Gwydion – Gwydion
Obviously, the guys from Gwydion have the knowledge to record songs, but there is a lack of originality here.