Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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It’s October. A favorite time for rain lovers, weird weather and start of concert season. My night started regularly. My sister was making late dinner talking about music and books with me and our friend. Random night full of laughter and good talk. But… Every crazy party starts like this in the movies, right?

It’s two years since the doctors here in Serbia said there is nothing to worry about because of new plague called Coronavirus. Two years of no concerts and parties. The world for many metalheads was empty and silent. Mine also. Masks like chains and our houses like prisons for such a long time.

I saw the event on Facebook for 20th anniversary of Grom Records. A very popular record label from Novi Sad. Mister Milan Rakić, as owner of Grom Records was our savior with this big concert as with many events before. Wherever you see his name on the poster or him somewhere in the crowd, a good party is guaranteed. Such talent for organisation and honest emotion and devotion to music is rare to see. Many CDs from my collection were born in Grom Records so I had to go to the concert. I was excited only to see that, like a little child. All day I was thinking about this. It was going to be my first live concert after a long time. Gods, I couldn’t wait!

By going inside Dom omladine (Youth center) I saw so many famous faces, from Belgrade mostly, who are really important for the scene in Serbia. One of them was my partner in crime for that night, Mister Miloš Šebalj. For us, metalheads from small cities being just near those people is fascinating. We saw them only on the stage. Maybe on social media photos and that’s it. So, readers please understand my fascination.

So much merchandise, records, CD’s, t-shirts… Pure heaven was in the halls of Dom omladine. A special made birthday rakija, Gromovača was like a birthday cake that night. Everyone tried it, and it was delicious!

Concert started just in time. With a beer in my hand and eyes full of expectation, I approached the front.

Nemesis, our all-girls death metal band were heating the atmosphere with their energy. Sorry to all the men in other bands, but only girls can have such adrenalized performance! I must admit, people were standing still a little bit on the start. I think Covid time made us really empty inside and without a will to be happy about something. As the time was passing everything went better.

My highlight was Infest, Gods of death / thrash scene. A long awaited concert for me. I went crazy. Nothing could stop me from shouting and supporting the craziest performance that night. The crowd also went crazy. Moshpits all around. Everyone has their favourite song so no one stayed unsatisfied.

And for the end, speed / thrash old school metal band, Bombarder. It was my first time to see them. I had that pleasure. There is no metalhead from the Balkans who didn’t hear about them. My biggest fascination about that band is their singer Nešo. The pure energy from the bottom of the heart, who loves the young people and good music more than anything in the world.

The night ended with a good talk with my friend Miloš, a few traditional pictures with Mister Zoran Sokolović from Infest and Milan Rakić, our birthday boy. An amazing night, full of adrenaline, laughter, good beer and new friendships!

Photo credit: Strahinja Rupnjak

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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, currently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music has lasted over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of foreign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most of my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘