Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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I’ll start this report probably a little untypical. And that’s why I tell you right in the beginning it was the first gig in quite a long time where the number of people who came didn’t disappoint me at all. Well, the room mentioned before bands played isn’t too huge (I think, actually am sure, it took place in the smallest room Plan B has), but this is still not too little and something like one hundred people who need to make it full, I guess. Well, on Iron God there were probably a little less of folk then on Eyehategod, but even this first number can be impressive – especially in comparison with what happened on this field on Convulse or even more Malmo Masacre Pre-Party.

As the first, just like I mentioned before Iron God entered the stage. And they totally conquered this as well! Reason was both music and the extremely energetic front-man who was everywhere on the stage and that’s why I’m proud as hell I was supposed to make some pics on Iron God’s show. Anyways, I think it was also his craziness and wildness which made a real mosh pit almost directly! It wasn’t too huge maybe (I mean, not too many people – probably, I didn’t count, few maniacs participated in that), but it happened during the whole time Stockholm residents played. Guys presented to us songs coming from both demos and their debut album. Well, not only, actually. It took them something like thirty five – forty minutes, I guess. Sorry, but I was too much into the gig and tried making pics to look at my watch.

By the way, Iron God was the perfect choice for a band who’ll warm up the crowd before “star of the day”. I wrote these last words especially in quotation marks. And this is of course not because I don’t appreciate Eyehategod. I just think guys coming from the largest city of Louisiana don’t think about themselves like that, even if they’re a real legend of the sub-genre of metal they play. Surely they entered the stage after some break – as I saw there was “renovation” of the stage necessary. We used this not too long, by the way, to break with my buddies who, as almost always, came from Karlshamn and another one from Hässleholm to grab some beer and talk a little. But before we were done with our drinks, there was time, especially for me, to enter the room once again, because the headliner just entered the stage. Crowd on their show was a little bigger, I think. It didn’t mean at all, of course, there was no space for a mosh pit! In a good band there’s always some space for those who don’t wanna only stay and watch what happens on the stage, as I noticed during all the years I’ve been visiting shows and festivals. Anyways, Louisianians were playing even longer than Iron God and fans even “forced” some bonus on them. Well, this time there were a little less people then when they began to play, but still the number was quite huge.

Well, I was never into saying which songs the band played and which didn’t do it. Actually in the case of Eyehategod it could be a little hard to do because they didn’t use any set list. They had it for sure, but not in the paper version at all. Besides, I somehow concentrate first of all on the show and it happens from time to time I forgot to take a set list of the band. The most important fact was, and still somehow is, it was a really great concert with a great atmosphere! Honestly, one of the best ones I have been these months. Well, in this club there’s always an atmosphere I like very much (you can feel there like bands would play in your living room, in some way), but this time there was even something extra added to it. Surely the number of people helped in that! You know, Demilich, Convulse ot Malmö Massacre Pre-Party were also extremely nice gigs, but number of metalheads who entered them was something like a fly in ointment – especially two mentioned by name Finnish bands are the pure legends in my opinion, even if in quite huge grade “only” underground legends.

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.