Monday, March 3, 2025
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At the beginning I’ll say some quite personal things, if you agree. Well, if you don’t do it, it means nothing and I do what I planned before. So, it’d be even better if you agreed – then you can feel you control me… Hehehehehe… Anyways, my life is like a fuckin’ rollercoaster. In April I was extremely disappointed and even depressed I couldn’t go to Copenhagen on the gig of my Metal Gods (actually one of them) – Colombian Masacre I dreamed about since I heard “Reqviem” the very first time and it was in the year of releasing this album, by the way. In concert day and two weeks after that I felt really shitty, like my world would fall at all. But it went something like two and half months and another dream became truth, day by day. As some of you already know I’m any workaholic, I also avoid doing the same more times than that’s necessary. That’s why I decided to write only one report from both gigs, even if they absolutely were separate ones and the fact they happened day by day wasn’t planned before in any way. But why to do the same thing twice if anyone force you to that you can do it in another, more interesting in my opinion way, and once? Wasn’t it just waste of time and energy to write two reports instead of one?

Booth gigs started at 7 PM, by the way and both started just in time. On Wednesday time for our brothers from Mexico has come. But before they entered the stage, there was set of local band – Coffin Creep. It was another time they opened the show for a legendary band. Guys gave good set with songs taken from their several stuffs and it was also visible under the stage. I can’t remember anyone who moshed when they played, but I’m beginning (after fifteen years I live on here in Sweden) to deal with that. I mean, deal with the way crowd’s response looks like here and so on. As always it was a very good show with great interaction with fans.

After some break, but not too long, we had the opportunity to see the Mexican legend of death / grind metal. Well, for everyone who knows something about Brujeria it isn’t any secret their base is since some time in the second most populous city of the States. But fact is once whole California was Mexican, so… Besides, guys are very proud of their Mexican roots, even if not all members have it as well and you can see that under their shows as well. In right comer of the stage stayed Mexican flag. As I know this is permanent element of their gigs. I saw them alive the very first time in my life, but I saw many ones on video portals and that’s why I know what I’m talking about. Anyways, in first lines dominated people with Latin American origin, what meant there was pure inferno under the stage during whole show! I finally felt like in my younger years in nineties and beginning of actual century in Poland. Guys played probably something like an hour or so and there were the most of songs I wanted to hear alive. Of course, there’re some ones I missed, but let’s be honest: if they played all their hits, the gig was at least three hours long and I think, actually am sure of that, all musicians were dead after that. On the end of paragraph dedicated to Brujeria I write only one more thing. This is very simple sentence. It was more than a gig for me and everyone who likes this group should see them alive at least once at life! Viva la Brujeria!!!

On Thursday I came of course back the club and was the same excited like last day. Actually, I’m surprised I fell asleep and slept whole night. By the way, this time there were no local band. And maybe it was the reason why this gig visited less people then Brujeria’s one. There wasn’t as bad as in the case of Convulse, but still was for me something like “what the fuck is going on here?!?” Well, the fact is also Mystifier, even if as for me is a cult, unfortunately isn’t well-known horde here in Europe. Honestly whole Brazilian (and in general Latin American) scene, with some exceptions, is a huge mystery for the most of maniacs. I could write about this some novel, but this is not a place for that. By the way, we talked a little about this with Armando after the gig. However, let’s leave these divagations and go back to the concert. As a support played trio coming from the capital city of England. If I don’t count listening to few their songs on the internet, it was my first contact with this band. They gave good, energetic show in my opinion. Anyways, as I saw there were more, also intensive, headbanging then under that. But this is quite usual thing on support bands if they’re not from Malmö or Hel(l)singborg or so. Of course, it absolutely doesn’t mean crowd was indifferent to what happened. You could hear quite huge applause after every track. I’m not totally sure about it, but I guess some merch was sold after their show.

Then we had of course some break to let rearrange the stage a little and to drink some beer and so on stage entered headliner and in the same time the band I love since I heard “Wicca” the very first time – it was the same year album released, in Poland on the tape. Guys played songs coming from several releases, even from their first demo. As the third or fourth song there was cover of some band whose home-city was Belo Horizonte. I somehow think everyone knows what legendary ensemble I mean. I even think quite huge number guessed what song it was, too – especially if I say it wasn’t “Antichrist”. Yes, “Nightmare”! I enjoyed every entire note, was focused on stage and had no will to take a look back. I know I probably should do it from time to time to be able to describe folk’s reaction, but honestly, I fuck such professionalism! I’m the same metal maniac as others and first of all I want to enjoy the gig. But I could feel response was just the great one since we “forced” guys to play one extra track. They could play only one, because very long trip awaited them and it was as clear as a day for everyone, they needed to take some rest before that. Anyways, next gig of this tour took place near my home-city in Poland.

On the end I tell you what. Both gigs were the ones I’ll remember until my last breath. We all know, hopefully it’s not one more proof there’s something wrong with me I have like this, some concerts are always fresh memory and it doesn’t matter how long time ago they happened. In my case that are mostly gigs from nineties, but not only.

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.