Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Label: I Brutalist Records

Date: October 11th, 2024

We’ve all seen photos of people holding banners at concerts, stating how a certain performer’s music changed their lives. The power of art is immeasurable, limitless and, thankfully, inexhaustible. While reasonable thinking might suggest it’s all circumstantial and downright accidental, art finds a way to dismiss reason altogether and go with the primal feeling. For example, almost a lifetime ago I heard Metallica for the first time and they’ve pushed me on a path of lifelong exploration of heavily distorted rock ‘n’ roll music. I could’ve been sick that day and missed out on it. Who knows where I would end up, claims the reason. But I still feel like that sound would’ve found me one way or the other.

However, on that day in particular, my life was changed. For better or worse, there’s no way of knowing. Nor does it matter right now. In that particular case, I was pushed in a different direction, with regards to taste in music. I’ve found what reverberates with my soul.

Still, within the sound itself there are countless nuances. Just as in the soul and this whole prolonged introduction was written exactly because of that. Here’s where this review becomes very personal. I apologize to the band, label and everyone reading this.

YÖU found me two years ago. Again, one may argue it was an accident that they performed on To.Be.Punk festival I attended. I’m sure it wasn’t. They had to be there. I was at the front row, shattered. At the lowest point of my life. Devastated. Fingertips holding on to whatever I could find. The atmosphere of that festival was a thread that was to guide me through the weekend and from then on, I had to figure out what’s the next thread to help out. An emotional trainwreck, in every possible way. Literally feeling like “I failed me”, when on comes the band which was about to shout it out into my face.

Now, I have to be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of this type of music. Emo / post hardcore band from Macedonia. Apart of a number of friends out in Macedonia, there was nothing optimistic for me in that sentence. But, like I said above, on that night and onwards they reverberated with shards of my inner self. I spent the thirty minutes of their performance hugged and consoled by loud, screaming kindred spirit. It was one of those strong hugs which let you know you’re safe, you’re cared for… You’re loved. There’s somebody who’s been through the same, or at least similar issues and there’s a way out.

The energy YÖU projected on me that night… I could feel the notes emanating from those four persons as if they were fingers pointed at the bottom of my heart screaming: “YÖU”! Profound impact of their short set left me smiling with hope I haven’t felt for a long time. As in the lyrics to “The river, the ocean and the sea”, through the river of sadness into the ocean of hope and joy.

I emerged victorious. Not without scars, most definitely not undamaged, but emerge I did. Largely due to YÖU, their music and performance. Because of that night, today I’m able to present this band to you with thoughts of healing powers of music. “River of Sadness” is the result of what its creators, no doubt, deeply felt, processed and exuded onto four well thought through tracks.

Keeping at least a shred of professionalism for the very end, this twenty (or perhaps just under) minutes long EP is an amalgamation of post hardcore drenched in emotion and heartfelt melodies not unlike even some britpop heroes of old. Positioned on the rhythmic backbone about to stretch for air after being submerged for days on end, the key to YÖU’s execution is in readily setting layers of weeping guitars against all sorts of expressive vocal performances. The best example for this is the “dialogue” between the third and fourth track (assisted by Fitz from Noviot Pochetok). These are musical twins, created with a majestic purpose and just for the sake of getting you to check YÖU out, I won’t say a single word more about them.

Still, trust me, it’s worth a listen. As a friendly companion. A hand to pull you up. If it feels like you failed you, YÖU will not fail you. Thank you guys!


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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!