Monday, October 7, 2024
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Label: Awakening Records

Release date: January 13th, 2024

Here’s one more young Spanish band (much younger than Handle with Hate) which has some connection with the pure legend of the death metal scene. The truth is Dave Rotten’s horde is treated like that only by more underground oriented maniacs, but it doesn’t change the fact at all. I just can’t wait when I’ll get the opportunity to review their stuff! Well, it was only a little digression. So, let’s get back to the main topic now. Endemic was created in 2022 and “The Church…” is their debut full-length. Actually, I’d call it the first stuff ever, because somehow, I don’t treat one song long singles as stuff. But it probably is my perversion, and I simply have no right here.

Just like mentioned before “Lucifer’s Corpse”, this song can also be found on the just reviewed album, “The Church of Destruction” released both digitally and on CD by Chinese Awakening Records. You can buy it using the label’s profile on the portal with the word “band” in its name, dedicated to spreading music. Prices are in my opinion as affordable as possible. And why should you spend your money on that? Well, the answer is as easy as pie – because you get very fine music for that. I know I haven’t written yet what kind of creativity you have to do on this album with. But I did it especially to force you to read at least a few more lines of my scribble.

Endemic play experienced (the most experienced one is Paco who began his adventure with guitar and vocalization in the previous century) musicians who ate, and still eat, bread from many metal ovens. All of them were and are extreme Metal ones but coming from several bakeries – from atmospheric black/doom to death/grind. Endemic is somewhere in the middle between just the mentioned genres of our beloved music, if it’s even possible to compare them with each other. Anyways, the debut record of residents of several Spanish cities contains nine tracks which take thirty-five minutes and fifty-three seconds. So just after length you can recognize Endemic creativity has more to do with death/grind then any other sub-genre of metal. But to be honest only the first part of the term is accurate here. That’s classic death metal we’re able to listen to. It’s the most about the East Coast of the States, and I don’t have to name any album or so to let you know what I mean. You can also hear some influences of Dutch school presented by for example creators of “Cross the Styx”. Guys go forward with spreading middle tempo brutality and there’s no space here for some longer guitar tricks and stuff. It doesn’t mean you’ll not hear some of them at all or you’ll be bored of the same playing the whole time. No, no, no! Contrary to many ensembles I heard who care only about as fast playing as possible, this music happens really a lot, what is not only about guitar, but also drums and bass as well. And probably you’ll, just like it is in my case, discover something new with every listening. We need to add to this deep, brutal and aggressive growling and here we have a recipe for good quality Death Art, of music destruction and in some way massacre!

That’s why all fans of such brutal and uncompromised music should directly after reading my scribble go on the best, that’s not only my opinion, for bands and labels platform spreading and making it easy to sell music and spend these few dead presidents on “The Church of Destruction”. You can make a choice between CD and digital copy – digital one costs less of course, but even the price for CDs isn’t high. And I’m sure many old-school freaks will, just like I’d do, pay more than Awakening Records’ minimum price is!  I like this full-length more and more and it’s not really what I like very much. I’ll be quite soon forced by the situation to leave “The Church of Destruction” alone and turn my attention to another stuff. Fortunately, I somehow know, better to say: feel, it’ll don’t disappoint me.  

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