Saturday, March 29, 2025
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Ztate Of Mind started on the year 2012, when Gabriel (Osi) Pavez, Marcelo Soto, Jair Pavez and Emilio Sanchez got together to form a metal band. Initially they started out with vocalist Chiolo Sanchez. He eventually moved on to be replaced by Samuel Vargas as the permanent lead vocalist.

Ztate Of Mind started doing Slipknot tributes as a way to fund their first album. They succeeded and went on to participate in different contests for Bolivian bands.

The band won several awards and went on to be recognized as the biggest up and coming metal band in Bolivia. They toured the country several times, gathering new fans all around.

Ztate Of Mind’s first album “Driven by Nightmares” was launched on 2015. The video clip for the first single, also called “Driven by Nightmares”, was directed by Vannesa Trigo (Aviatrix Photography), the band’s official photographer and videographer for all their career. The single made the top three charts in the country for rock stations. The album was recorded, produced and composed by Gabriel Pavez. This was also composed by Jair Pavez, Samuel Vargas and Emilio Sanchez.

The second album started the recording process in 2018 with only four of the original; Samuel Vargas on the vocals, Marcelo Soto on the bass, Emilio Sanchez on the drums, and Gabriel Pavez on the guitar. Gabriel was also the recording engineer, composer and producer for all the songs. Samuel wrote all the lyrics. They launched the first single “Violence burning your Palate” with a video clip, and great reviews. They had other band members momentarily. But the four remained as the new permanent line up.
After political challenges and the global pandemic, Ztate of Mind will finally be releasing their second album “Tower of Skulls” soon. Their second single and video clip “The blackest black” was released on August 31st.

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Fresh news from the world of music, brought to you by the staff of Abaddon Magazine.