Saturday, March 29, 2025
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In September of 2020 a youthful UK thrash band called Thrasherwolf released their debut album “We Are Revolution”. Feeding on the flesh of early Kreator, “We Are Revolution” was an exuberant, energised and honest first attack from a band for whom classic thrash metal was their life’s blood. Thrasherwolf played with passion and genuine excitement and that first album was laden with potential. Now, in 2024, Thrasherwolf have returned, roaring out of the darkness with a new eight track album and all that potential and more has been realised. Still thrashing hard, still high on adrenaline but now armed with maturity, experience and accomplished musicianship, Thrasherwolf are operating at another level – and “Inside The Sickened Mind” is an album of staggering poise and power.

Inspired by humanity’s ceaseless pursuit of self destruction and the innate darkness and violence that lives within the heart of everyone, Inside The Sickened Mind is a call to arms, a challenge to us all to break our chains and turn our united strength against the manipulative powers that be, rather than against each other. From the opening foray of “Final Act Of Aggression” with its jagged riffs and blazing solo, it’s clear that classic thrash still burns in the heart of the Thrasherwolf beast – but this time there’s more. The riffs have been honed to perfection and are now utterly irresistible; just listen to the darkly atmospheric “Hanging House” – if your head doesn’t bang in an instinctive response then you’re beyond help. The guitar solos have become essential elements in the songs as they spiral up from the darkness and explode like nuclear fireworks and the song writing is simply exceptional. From the crossover touched invitation to the pit that is “Shameless Loser” to the bravely emotive and melodic “Haunted”, on to the album’s most important song – “Inside The Sickened Mind” itself. The epic title track is the clearest example of how far Thrasherwolf have come – and how much further than can still go. It’s ambitious, challenging, musically imaginative and ultimately successful. Brilliantly performed with fine melodic awareness and vision… Thrasherwolf are becoming a very special band indeed.

“Inside The Sickened Mind” benefits from a tactile, organic sound, with rich, vibrant textures. Recording with Andy Brook at The Brook Studios (Status Quo, Subhumans, Restarts etc) and employing the mastering skills of Patrick W Engel (Candlemass, Destruction, Sodom etc) has really brought the very best out of these exceptional songs. When this album is released on October 4th, with a special cassette edition from Vicious Witch Records following in November, with its cover artwork featuring a rampaging rendition of lupine band mascot Frank, rendered by Andrei Bouzikov (Municipal Waste, Nervosa, Autopsy etc) it will announce the arrival of Thrasherwolf as serious contenders. Be ready for one of the thrash metal albums of 2024.

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