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Label: Hells Headbangers Records

Date: July 26th, 2024

As chance would have it, both of South America’s most perverted “goats” have their new material published in the space of just a couple of months. Okay, chance has little to do with it, since they are both highly productive and this “coincidence” occurs more often than you would imagine. Still, I have the opportunity to review them both and I’ll start with the one that is not released (!?) yet.

Peruvian masters of savage blasphemy have been summoned from the pits of degenerate hell to spew forth an EP. Not all that surprising since their discography consists mostly of short materials, with the exceptions in the form of one full length and a bunch of live recordings. However, fast approaching a quarter of a century of active existence, the same discography is fairly rich and the status they enjoy among the underground fanatics is well-deserved.

So, who’s reading this? I’m sure mostly those who are already accustomed to Goat Semen. Are there people curious about a name with whom they aren’t familiar? If the band’s name hasn’t deterred them, then there might be a chance to grow Goat Semen’s audience. For that reason alone, I should try to explain what’s happening on “Fuck Christ”. As for those already introduced to this unrelenting force of underground metal, there’s not much I can say. At least nothing new, since the Peruvians aren’t going nowhere from their road straight into the deepest pits of darkest hell. Five new tracks which will cement their status over there.

Now, if you don’t have the instinctive desire to cross yourself at the mere glance at the name of band and this EP, feel free to step inside.

This Peruvian unholy trinity of blasphemers is a basic, primitive and raw ensemble dedicated to worshiping the primal forces of black and death metal. Automatic gag reflex towards the modern variants of Behemoth and such, Goat Semen drinks from the putrid wells of Possessed, Bathory, Venom, Hellhammer, Mayhem, Sarcófago, Blasphemy… It’s an audio display of brutal barbarism, crafted from fire and brimstone. Overly short, yet deadly stabs into the cadaver of one Jesus Christ. Fast-paced, simply arranged, built upon primal riffing and complemented by hateful screams of blasphemes. Basically, early incarnation of death metal which is enhanced by early black metal elements. A few thrash metal touches (do I need to say they come from the very first thrash variant?) are audible here and there, but remain out of the original foundations of Goat Semen.

The one excursion out of the ordinary on “Fuck Christ” is located in the closing track “Prophets of Hell”. It bears a “prophetic” depth and atmospheric weight, which are the exact reasons for it being almost twice as long as its predecessors. Of course, it too has a maniacal explosion of savage and monstruous energy, but for the most part it is marked by the slow, ritualistic, throbbing tempo which underlines the delivery of inescapable fate to come in its worst form, by the demonic prophets of hell.

If you’ve first heard about Goat Semen here and you’ve made it this far, then perhaps you should take a listen to “Fuck Christ”. There’s hope the Peruvian trio might become a part of your regular playlist. In all other cases, this will be a waste of time for you. Such is the case with Goat Semen, but also with the whole black / death metal genre. Especially so with its South American variant. You either love it to hell or hate the very mention of their name. See if Goat Semen cares…


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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!