Monday, September 23, 2024
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Black Metal Streams and Abaddon Magazine are proud to premiere the new single by the Dutch progressive black metal trio The Color Of Rain!

The band that is set in their way of not having a clear way set in front of them, lets us know what they’ve been up to since their critically acclaimed debut album, “Oceans Above”, published in 2023.

“And the Abyss Stared Back” is a logical follower of the unpredictable atmospheric black metal that The Color Of Rain are seeking to explore. Technical but never losing grip with the feeling of their music, the band’s creation will move you, one way or another.

The song is a preview of what’s next in store for The Color Of Rain, which is a split LP with their countrymates Meslamtaea, titled “Nihil Vincit Omnia”, to be released on June 28th by Zwaertgevegt.


The Color Of Rain

A1 – Intro: Nihil Vincit Omnia

A2 – As The Empires Fell

A3 – And The Abyss Stared Back

A4 – Thus Always To Tyrants

A5 – Take Over Me


B1 – Besef Komt In Vlagen

B2 – Bitterzoet

B3 – In de Spiegel Staart een Onbekende

B4 – Samen Zielsalleen

Melancholic and heavy, almost post black metal by The Color Of Rain promises a whole lot to come. Beware the gaze of the abyss!

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