Monday, March 31, 2025
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Date: November 20th, 2023

Label: Goat Eyaculation Records

Don’t you think it was quite a long time ago when you had the opportunity to read reviews of some split? Personally I think so and that’s also why I decided to catch up on that backlog. Of course we stay in Latin America. Well,both bands came from countries I was always fascinated by. Mostly it was about ancient cultures who developed there. And both Peru and Mexico have not only very interesting and rich pre-Columbian history, but also, or in our case, first of all, very strong and impressive as hell Metal scenes with tons of great, in the most old school in several forms, bands. Some of these ensembles are real, pure fucking legends! I don’t think here is the right place to name at least a small number of them, especially as I know myself I’d have a huge desire to write something about each ensemble, so… And then this review would be like a novel and no one would read it even to the middle. Anyways, two of them (not these legendary ones, but still…) participate here with their tracks. Split is released as 12” vinyl by Goat Eyaculation Records – premiere took place November 20th last year.

Side A of this record is dedicated to Peruvian Morbosatan. The band was formed in 2013 in the capital and largest city of Peru. By the way, as some kind of curiosity I tell you only Lima primary had another name. They started their activity with high c by releasing their first demo containing three tracks after a few months of existence. In general they have in their discography two full-lengths and several other stuff – there were years when they released more than one, by the way. Last year our friends from Peruvian Hell released only this split. Anyways, we have the opportunity to listen to four songs here. Musically that’s the mixture I think I like the most and a lot of bands coming from just this corner of the world play. You can find here elements of all, almost, kinds of extreme metal we already had in the eighties. If I had to do it, I’d classify it as black metal first of all, even if influences of both death and thrash metal are very strong here. But since black metal is about darkness emanating from speakers… Anyways, music as itself isn’t too complicated and guys care only about spreading the evilness around. Even if musically this is first of all death metal I somehow can see a huge element of Black Art here. Riffs are broken and change often of course – just like it should be in such creativity. You’ll find some guitar tricks here and there, but in general that’s not too complicated. Drumming is also in the most stricte death metal one. I can clearly hear echoes of both Colombian (this one who released for examaple cult demo “Colombia. Imperio Del Terror” or album “Requiem” and Peruvian (“Sudamerica Brutal”, “Demoniac Flagellations”…).

Another five songs which are on side B of this vinyl are the creativity of Mexican band I, which is a shame for me, I heard the very first about when Bernie of Morbosatan said he’ll send me their newest split. Imperator Infernum was born in 2007 and released three full-lengths and several other stuff. In this case music we have to do with is black metal with elements of death as well. Everything is in fast tempo and is both brutal as hell and just hellish. I mean, I have an irresistible suspicion guys are close friends with Satan himself! In my opinion that’s what black metal, well, let’s say black/death metal should be about. If you’re listening carefully you recognize that’s technically developed, pretty much happens in music (of course it’s the best hearable when it takes guitars), but in the same time our friends of Mexico City don’t takes prisoners and have no fucking mercy for listeners. Songs are quite short and intensive and that’s probably why it is not too easy to hear all these touches. In my case it took a little and I was enjoying them at all when I listened third or so time to “Sacrificial Rites Against the Whore”. In the end I tell you only one short thing, actually two more… three words: grab this vinyl!

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.