Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Label: Northern Silence Productions

Date: December 1st, 2023

“Hello darkness, my old friend” is the perfect sentence to start this review. Or better to say the best description of feeling I had when I was listening to Nornír’s album “Skuld”. Pure anger, darkness and honest black metal spirit is coming outside of these riffs and vocals that just made me write this review. Of course, it must be filled with this adrenaline when there is a lady at the main microphone. Us girls know what that means. No offence to male part of the band and male part of metal world, but girls rule and its obvious why.

Nornír, as a young hope of European black metal scene, really promises rich future discography and an interesting idea and old black metal spirit. I always thought that to play black metal you should feel, at least once, like the main character of famous Icelandic movie “Metalhead”. That cold Icelandic atmosphere which is full of some cleansing solitude can be the main inspiration for music that Nornír makes. They are settled in Germany but that Scandinavian spirit of ancient times is present more than ever. If we talk about music, it’s pure black metal, no doubt, but a touch of pagan atmospheric riffing really gives this album, as well as Nornír’s work in general, a special atmosphere. And future potential.

The album starts with overture “Vígr” which is like an overture before some warrior saga wakes the dramatic moment that something big will happen. And it did. “Krigsrop” brings all creatures from the bottom of the darkest night and it keeps the chaotic atmosphere till the very end of the album. Vocals of Ms. Lethian, that complete the songs, is one of the best female growl vocals I have ever heard. Such aggressive vocal, full of energy, is rare to hear. It’s hard to be a woman in metal but it’s always remarkable.

“Hel’s Postulate“, with early Mayhem vibe, leads us to the bottom of hell. With melody which is not so shredding like previous, but definitely same dose of energy and anger is present. My special attention is kept by the cover of Wardruna’s song “Helvegen“. A long-waited metal version of this or any Wardruna’s song is finally here. I am impressed how Nornír packed up this epic song. It got totally different dimension of art.

Like a cherry on the top, song “Høst, du ville kraft” reminded me of why I like this kind of metal and the official video of the song dragged me back into the woods. Very inspiring pagan story which wakes up the primordial spirits.

The album ends with calm “Valr“ and closes this magic circle. Musicians really gave effort to make one album without variations of energy. Atmosphere, melody and lyrics are on the highest level. Next to melodies, lyrics are made in form of some self-confession. Words on the paper are like blood on the war field, honest, deep and hard. In the combination with music it can be defined like real confession.

Nornír, with this album, as I said, is closing the magical circle, a trilogy of three Nornes. What’s going on with previous two, feel free to dig into their discography. It’s not long but it’s worth of listening. In Nordic mythology Nornes, in Slavic Suđaje and in Greek Tree Mojires are spirits or creatures who weave the destiny of warriors and people in general. One cuts, one prolongs and the third is making balance of someone’s life. By this third part, the saga of Nornes is closed and Nornír can go freely into the future. It’s pure luck if Nornes like you, but they surely liked Nornír. Only important warriors can have that privilege.

This band really put all their effort to present us what they are capable of. I am not saying that they are the best in the world, but in the sea of really many projects and bands Nornír is a pearl. But this one is coloured black.


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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, currently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music has lasted over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of foreign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most of my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘