Monday, October 28, 2024
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Label: Independent

Date: December 25th, 2021

I will not repeat myself as a broken record again and again… Yes, I feel like a child in a candy store when I receive physical promo. Symbolical sent a really nice package and their EP “Igne” is set to review.

The band comes from Poland and since 2013, when they were formed, they released two albums: “Collapse in Agony” (2015) and “Allegory of Death” (2018). EP “Igne” was released on December 25th, 2021. Originally, the band’s name was Symbolic, but since in the metal world there are so many bands influenced by Death, there is no sense to be at least a 19th band with the same name. So our Polish friends changed it to Symbolical.

Symbolical have an idea of releasing two more EPs, let’s say a kind of EP trilogy, three songs each, nine in total, all songs followed by the videos. Interesting concept. This might not be death metal you might expect. It is more mystical, atmospheric death metal.

I have no idea about the others, but my beliefs (or non-beliefs) in Jesus are based on knowledge I got in early childhood living with my extremely religious great grandmother and The Bible was the first book she gave to me. Really nice edition, illustrated, adequate enough for a five years old child who still does not read but has a functional brain. That could also be a proof of the development of my logical thinking and reasoning. When I learnt to read, of course whatever I saw on illustrations that was so illogical to me was clarified that day I went to church for Mass with great grandma and started questioning both her and the priest after: how can this be, or how that might be possible… Believe it or not, neither of them tried to convince me I was wrong. Many years later, to be precise, in 1999, during the NATO bombing, there was nothing much to do, but to read, so once again I studied Bible. The point is that my beliefs are based on my knowledge, despite all the good Christians I am surrounded with who might never read the Bible but are blindly following “the truth”, judging others, and basically live completely opposite to their “beliefs”. Why am I writing this? Because there are alternative stories. Symbolical offers us an alternative story of a Jesus birth. Now, I hope you can see the symbolism and relation with the EP release date.

The New Testament speaks about the birth of Jesus or nativity of Jesus in the gospels of Luke and Matthew. Both agree that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea. His mother Mary (Saint Mary, Virgin Mary) lived in the first century in Nazareth and was the wife of Joseph. She conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The whole myth spread all over the world over 2000 years throughout the bestselling fairy tale of all times will be broken in a million pieces, as long as you listen to Symbolical’s version. Did you expect any less from a death metal band? And if the death metal band comes from Poland, don’t tell me you’re surprised they are against institutionalized religion. In “Igne”, Symbolical offers a version according to which Mary gives birth to Jesus the Antichrist, and condemns the world to destruction.

Through “The Call of Nazareth”, “Epiphany & Revival” and “Disciple of Death”, Symbolical deliver their story full of twists and keeps your attention throughout 24 minutes. Additionally, as mentioned, the band made great animated videos that follow the fable. What you will notice listening this EP is that songs have epic length saturated with mystical, ambient even orient  melodies; absolute precision when it comes to tempo changes (furious but gentle enough), vocal delivery, lyrical structure; complex composition, mesmerizing guitar solos, stunning instrumentation and furious drumming bring absolute perfection.

Absolute hypnotizing album from every aspect, from leading idea over great composition to performance and album cover (William Blake’s painting Judas Betrays Him c.1803–5.). Everything fits perfectly. Looking forward to hearing the next part. This is what I call intelligent metal.

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With two university degrees and rich working experience as a special education teacher and therapist, I don't give up on my first love - music journalism. Started in 1994 as a radio and TV presenter, continued as a written journalist in 2004. Since then I have collaborated with numerous European magazines. In 2020, I founded Abaddon Magazine with my comrades, and I will never give up on writing, listening and promoting the best music in the universe.