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Label: Sheratan Records

Date: July 24th, 2021

My first impression concerning the debut EP by this Italian quartet is the cover artwork. Doesn’t it remind you of Green Day’s “American Idiot”? The message is different and the color scheme, but still… Not off to a good start as far as I’m concerned.

Unfortunately, what lurks behind left no better impression either.

One could accept the offered description of alternative metal as accurate. Listed influences such as Korn, Deftones, Jinjer or Infected Rain could also give a decent picture of what happens on this EP. Lacuna Coil, on the other hand, has no business on that list other than geographical affiliation. Okay, and the female behind the microphone, but what Pahann submitted on this recording is far away from anything Christina ever did or tried to do.

So, what you get from Demetra’s Scars is basically a rip-off of already mentioned Jinjer and Infected Rain. Music focused on rhythmical extravaganza, bouncing all over the place with a fairly enraged vocal. The thing with ripping off a more prominent artists, that gets a vast majority of copycats, is that you need to make a firm step on the trodden path. In other words, you need to be remembered somehow and the best way to do that is to create as many hooks as possible. Your creation needs to stick to the listener’s memory. Demetra’s Scars failed to do that with these four songs. I’m spinning this record for hours now and still when I stop it, it vanishes completely.

Simply put, you cannot quite find a fault in execution here. It’s all done according to established patterns, the idea is clearly shown and it is obvious where the Italians want to go. The only trouble is that they need to find themselves a Lamborghini to take them there. Old, beat up Fiat will hardly do the trick. It will only get them a supporting slot and I’m sure Demetra’s Scars are looking for much more than that.

Oh, and please, much more imagination in picking the front cover. This one just reminded me how good “American Idiot” was. And if I was to go into a record store and find “Demetra’s Scars” on the shelf, I would just think about how I still don’t own “American Idiot” and would jump to another shelf to find it.

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